With classes starting just around the corner I'm starting to get a little worried. About my art class, none the less! What I have planned on majoring in for almost a year and I feel like I stink at it.
So here follows the conversation that I had with God...
Me: God, I feel like I stink at art.
God: So?
Me: Uhhhh, so my major is art and that's sort of important for me to be good at it?
God: So?
Me: I really feel like we're not connecting here. ME MAJOR IN ART. MUST BE TALENTED. Savy?
God: So.... you're point?
Me: Okay wait. So I don't have to be good at art?
God: Think, dearest: What did I ask you to do?
Me: *sigh* ... Be an art teacher.
God: SO remind me again(not that I forgot) why you're worried?
Me: Ahhhhh.
So as it turns out, God gets the final say in these things not me. All I have to do is trust him to take me wherever he leads. Whether that means changing my major later on or pursuing art education even if I have to stay up all night to get a piece done. In my weakness, he is strong. He is my fortress and my shield. He is the one who gives me victory. No matter what my worries or insecurities are, he is bigger than all of them!!!
Even if I'm not able to go on because I'm not qualified enough, it will not be because I haven't done my best or because God suddenly forgot about me - on the contrary, it will be because he HASN'T forgotten about me, because he has a great plan for my life that may involve a couple of challenges.
Give me faith to trust what you say, that you're good and your love is great. I'm broken inside, I give you my life!!!!