This is the time of year when everyone gets just a little bit more excited, often times for no apparent reason other than the fact that Christmas is just around the corner. Unless you're an Ebenezer Scrooge, you can't deny that opening a gift on Christmas morning next to a brightly colored tree, surrounded by the people you love makes you at least a little tingly inside.
If you want to be nit-picky about it Christmas did in fact have pagan origins. If you google "The origin of Christmas," you won't find anything that tells us that it began with a celebration of the birth of Christ. But in my opinion, every day should be a holiday celebrating the Savior who died to forgive our sins. Why not take a day that is supposed to be the happiest day of the year and give it back to Christ? One of the things that Jesus does best is take things that are sinful and turn them into things that proclaim his glory. That's what he did with us. It seems quite appropriate to take a holiday that was originally sinful and turn it around in celebration of his name.
In the days leading up Christmas, read scriptures foretelling the birth of Christ. When you're opening gifts on Christmas morning and giving presents to loved ones, use it as a time to remember the gift we have in Christ. Read the story of his birth for devotions that day or even with your family before you open presents. If you have children (or just a sweet tooth), bake a birthday cake for Jesus! I encourage you to find small ways through out the day to give glory to God for the grace that he has given to us.