God: Do you want to work a puzzle with me?
Me: Sure!
God: Here, start out with this piece.
Me: What... you're only giving me one piece?
God: Well... my puzzle, my rules.
Me: Fine... okay. So it's blue... okay that means it's the sky, right?
God: Nope.
Me: Okay blue things... water?
God: Try again.
Me: blueberries...?
God: Not even close.
Me: Really. Really God? You've got the box! I just have one piece! How do you expect me to try and figure it out?
God: Exactly.
Me: Oh.
We try to come up with all these different scenarios for our lives but we really don't know anything about them other than what God has given us! It's his puzzle and his box. He doesn't expect us to try to figure it out, he just expects us to trust him to give us the right pieces when we need them. Instead of worrying about our lives, surrender them to the One with the box and let him piece them together.