Friday, March 19, 2010

Psalm 62:1-2

"My soul finds rest in God alone, my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
Wow. This is heavy stuff. NEVER be shaken. Not by anything? My soul finds rest only in God and nothing else?
Sometimes on days like today when I am buried up to my neck in work (now I am participating in what many have fondly called break time), when I am stressed because of the many tasks I have committed to, and when it seems like I will never have enough time to complete all of them, it seems like my only rest will come when it's all over. But is that really true? After this is over, something else will inevitably come up.
I doubt that there will be a lot of times in my life that I am not busy. SO it stands to reason that I will absolutely go stark raving mad if I wait until these times come to find rest and peace!!!
Finding peace doesn't necessarily have to be about getting away from noise and craziness and responsibility and going on vacation. Yes, sometimes that can be peaceful. But true, lasting peace comes when we are standing in the midst of every possible thing that life has to throw at us and we say,"Ok, God. You're in charge. I put my trust in you."
And boy is that a heck of a lot harder to do than to say. Even as I write this I'm still thinking in the back of my mind of all of the things that I have to get done. It's a daily, hourly, minute-by-minute, moment-by-moment task to give up control. It's not a one time thing!
But it has to be done. Because if I choose to put my trust in my own abilities to accomplish the tasks given to me, then I will have put my trust in something that is only temporary and doomed to failure.
My soul finds rest in God alone, not in myself.