Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Here I am. Send me!

Over spring break I had the chance to watch The Diary of Anne Frank for the first time. I am one of those people who is very fascinated with the Holocaust, not in a creepy way, but WWII is my favorite war to study. As I knew I would, I found myself in tears at the end of the movie looking thinking about the needless killing of so many people. I thought about how precious they were to God and how much his heart must break to see them in pain and to hear them cry out to him. I began to think, "God, I don't understand you. Why would you allow so much tragedy? Why would you let something like this happen?" I turned in my Bible to chapter 6 in Isaiah and started to read. I thought about the song by Todd Agnew about Isaiah 6. As I was reading and thinking about all of this I came to verse 8: "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” And as I read that, suddenly it hit me. That is what God is calling me to. I know it might seem strange, but somehow I've connected my future calling, the Holocaust, and Isaiah 6 together in a way that makes since to me. The school systems are my Auschwitz. I am called to bring hope to students who are struggling and hurting. I am called to reach out to them and teach them to the best of my ability about the only thing that will every bring them peace. Send me to the child who is blaming himself for his parents divorce. Send me to the student who bases her worth on her what she looks like. Send me to the kid who is left out and made fun of. Send me to the child who feels like they have to act up to be noticed. Send me the one who is hurting so much inside that they cut their body to easy the pain. Send me to bring hope. Send me to bring love. Here I am. Send me.